Giving Back

A core part of our philosophy is giving back to good causes. In each country we do business we feel it very important to contribute to that society. There are so many wonderful organizations helping so many people. The charities we have chosen to support I think you will agree, do amazing work. We will give a portion of each sale to a charity in that country. 

Please note: We do not have any formal agreements with any charity. We don't have any affiliate agreements or anything of that nature. We do not represent any charity in any way, nor do we ask them to promote us. We simply really like what they do and we support them.

We know people really like to give to charity but sometimes with busy schedules it does not happen as often as we would like. With our donation strategy you can now integrate this into your purchase.

What they do - Honoring our Fallen by Supporting the Dreams of their Children.

Our mission is to encourage and fund healthy positive activities for the children of fallen firefighters, military, and law enforcement. Between grief counseling and scholarships others provide, Angels stands beside the children all year, every year until adulthood. With your help, we’re fueling these kids’ dreams beyond the ultimate loss.

Who they are - Angels of America’s Fallen

Angels of America’s Fallen is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by a retired Lt Col with 25 years of service as an enlisted Army field artillery canon crewman, a Marine Corps fighter pilot, and an Air Force Reconnaissance pilot. He created Angels of America’s Fallen in 2012 to address a gap in support he saw for the children of his fallen friends in all branches of the military and first responders. There was no program providing opportunities for the children to be engaged in healthy activities the entire year, with long term support every year of their childhood, in between initial grief counseling and scholarships once they became adults. Angels of America’s Fallen was designed to offer positive outlets for the children’s grief during the entire period of these most crucial developmental years. Our staff and board consist of individuals with a passion to help the children in the most impactful way we know. That is to provide them an opportunity, not a handout or a gift, but a chance to invest in themselves and pursue healthy activities during their entire childhood.